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Chairman’s Message
Ever since the Phoenicians invented the Alphabet and people started communicating with each other – the confidentiality of the message was always given a priority and the carrier was always selected from a Trustworthy Group and or a surrounding.
Nowadays 3000 years later, with the Internet communication escalating so rapidly and exponentially, the confidentiality of the message is still being given priority and the Carrier is still being sought from a Trustworthy Provider particularly that the Internet is an open platform to all its users.
Trust on the Net is our objective today because the Internet has become our second nature, and because one of the Internet’s offshoots the e-commerce stands to be the most important change in the business world in the last 100 years, indelibly making the shift from an industrialized to a knowledge based society, and because we want to excel and catch-up with the leading technologies and become an integral part of this developed World, we should take the following objectives into consideration as the promise of success brought by e-commerce is fast growing.
However, Trust on the Net has taken a different approach to resolve this outstanding issue and it is practically contained in User Authentication where proof of identity has become an essential component of any security system. It is the only way to differentiate authorized users from intruders. User authentication to the network is a necessity for any enterprise that seeks protection to its information assets and knowing who has access to its network.
In conclusion, it is urged and recommended that every effort should not be spared to go on the Internet and reap its colossal efficiencies in an effort to transform our enterprises into paperless organizations and reduce over heads by a good 20-30%. Make benefit of what the Electronic Signature offers the User. Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication and Non-Repudiation has created Trust on the Net, and consequently amongst trading partners and individuals. The Electronic Digital Signature is an emerging standard that is enabling the Internet to become a main stream business tool and toppling Internet trading barriers – the attributes interoperability, global scope, simplicity and high trust constitute a tremendous economic engine.
Go for it now, use the Internet and transform your organizations. With this accomplished we would have set the wheels in motion to accompany Technology in its journey towards the future.

Chairman’s Message
Chairman & President
CIELTECH Mission Is to take a leading role in establishing Global Trust on the Net based on International accepted Standards and is committed to secure confidence and integrity of the electronic transaction.
The objective is to improve the efficiency of the electronic communications with an added value to all partners involved as well as the User. CIELTECH LLC Solutions are a Critical Tool to Keep Business Moving in Challenging Times.
Members of the Board

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